The Goon player misses the baseball and the referee yells "Strike one" only to get elbowed by the Goon player sending him into the ground and angrily asked what he say and the referee tells it's foul one. The Goons score 167 runs while the Shnooks have none.

The next Shnook player hits the baseball and makes a run to the hole only to get conked by the Goon player who tells the referee he is out but the referee tells him he is not and the Goon player hits the Shnook player hard and breaking his baseball bat prompting the referee that he is now out. The Goon player throws the baseball and lands on the ground and the Shnook player changes his baseball bat into a golf club so he could hit it and the Goon player catches the ball and he is out. The Shnooks also taunt them as the baseball game begins. The Greenvile Goons laugh at the Sweetwater Shnooks and taunt them. Bobo the Elephant is the mascot for the Sweetwater Shnooks.